The benefits of drinking green tea

April 6, 2009

Diets & Nutrition

Green tea is an Asian popular beverage because of its beneficial effects on the body. Also more and more cosmetic products contain in their formula green tea. So you should find out why its recommended to drink green tea instead of sodas and coffee.

The green tea leafs contain vitamins, especially vitamin C, minerals and amino acids. The beneficial effects of drinking green tea will convince you to include it in your shopping list.

Green tea combats the apparition of wrinkles

Because of its antioxidant substances that it contains (polifenoles and flavonoides), vitamins C and E which combat the action of the free radicals, green tea has a protection and regenerative effect on your skin. That’s why it’s used more and more by the cosmetic industry.

Among the facials that you might use at home slip one or two that are based on green tea. At one infusion of green tea add two spoons of honey and two of lemon juice. Apply on your face warm compresses soaked in the green tea mix for 5 to 10 minutes. You will quickly notice the calming and smoothing effects on your skin making your wrinkles disappear.


After you have brewed green tea don’t throw away the used up bags of tea. Put them for a little while in the fridge and them put them on your eyes. Your eyes will relax, the fatigue sensation will disappear and your dark rings will be less visible.

Lose weight using Green Tea

While following any diet green tea is a recommended beverage. Green tea contains a huge quantity of teina, a substance that helps burn the fats.

Green tea prevents cancer and heart diseases

The antioxidant proprieties of green tea are due to the presence of vitamin C but also to other components called polifenoles. These are powerful antioxidants that studies show to be very efficient in preventing cancer and heart diseases.

Drink around 4 cups of green tea per day

Have you become convinced of the beneficial effects of drinking green tea every day. Learn how to brew it and drink it as a habit. It can replace a part of the water you have to drink daily.

Don’t put the green tea bags to boil with the water at the same time. High temperature can destroy some key components of green tea, like vitamin C. Prepare your green tea like an infusion, after you boiled the water, take it off the heat source and then add the green tea bags and let them in for a couple of minutes.

For maximum effect you should drink the green tea within a couple of minutes before you eat and during your meals. Also it is recommended that you drink around 4 cups of green tea every day.

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