The health benefits of vitamin E

May 20, 2009

Diets & Nutrition

Vitamin E is a grouping of tocopherols in which the most active one is alpha-tocopherol, followed by beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and delta-tocopherol.

Vitamin E is soluble in fats(lipids) and it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cellular aging from taking place at an accelerated pace. In your body vitamin E is stored for a limited amount of time in your fatty tissue, liver, heart, muscles and suprarenal glands. Eventually it gets eliminated through your intestines.


Vitamin E helps regenerate skin and protect your body against cancer. Your immune system gets strengthened by vitamin E, it ensures the normal functioning of the sexual and endocrine glands, the synthesis of proteins and the fats, phosphor and calcium metabolic rate. Vitamin E reduces limits the cholesterol production, lowers blood pressure and has a diuretic effect. For women vitamin E reduces the menstrual pains and the risk of a miscarriage. Your circulatory system needs vitamin E because it ameliorates cardiovascular diseases and it prevents the forming of blood clots in the blood stream.

The daily recommended dose for an adult is of about 25 mg, but it varies depending on the sex, age and amount of fats eaten daily. You should eat more vitamin E the more you eat fatty foods. Also athletes, pregnant and breast feeding women should eat more vitamin E daily.

The most important source of vitamin E are vegetal including oils and margarine, green vegetables, peanuts, nuts, soy, corn, olives. Other food that contain vitamin E are eggs, fish and liver.

The side effect of lack of vitamin E from the human body, very rare cases, are: arteriosclerosis, sudden miscarriage, problems with the muscular and nervous system, anemia, and eye problems.

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