Suffering from hypothyroidism can make weight loss more difficult. But not impossible. Most doctors tell hypothyroidism sufferers that after they get on the thyroid replacement hormone all will be well. In most cases this doesn’t happen. The fat just doesn’t come off after your thyroid problems get fixed.
Getting rid of hypothyroidism doesn’t get rid of all your other unhealthy fattening habits. That is why it is imperative that you get a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. If you don’t you won’t manage to lose weight. Just get on a healthy diet full of healthy foods.
You should also start exercising. Ask your doctor what exercises you are allowed to do. Then start doing them. If your doctor allows it, exercise for 3-4 times a week, for 1 hour each time.
Because you are suffering from hypothyroidism, keeping in close contact with your doctor is a must. He will keep checking your progress on the thyroid replacement hormone, and make sure you get results from it. Your doctor will also advise you on what food you are allowed to eat and what exercises you can do.
Just don’t take the word of a single doctor as the all mighty truth. If what your doctor tells you doesn’t seem right to you, go ask the opinion of a second, even third doctor. Double checking is always a good idea.
The most important part of losing weight while suffering from a thyroid problem is keeping your mindset dead focused. If you play all day long the following excuse in your mind: “I can’t lose weight because I have a thyroid problem” you are sure not to lose one ounce of fat. Focusing your mind on your future body is a great way to tell your body where to go. It will also keep you motivated.
September 28, 2010
Health & Motivation