Honey health benefits: the miracle of nature

Honey is truly a gift of nature to us. Honey has been on our diet for ages. The health benefits of honey have also been known for ages. Honey is full of nutrients that keep you body healthy and at top performance.

The contents of honey is very similar to the contents of the human blood, making it easily absorbed by the organism.

In honey the vitamins and minerals vary depending of the type of nectar used to make it. Bees get whatever resources they have available around them. There are hundreds of types of honey, some made only from on plant, or made form a combination of plant nectar.

Honey preserves its properties extremely well over time. Archeologist uncovered an 2000 year old amphora filled with honey that was still good for consumption. Some might say that honey is as good of an investment as gold.


The main health benefits of honey are:

  • -honey is a good analgesic;
  • -honey fights off insomnia ensuring peaceful sleeps;
  • -honey has a mild laxative and antiseptic effect;
  • -honey can help you get rid of nausea;
  • -honey helps you detox your kidneys and liver by eliminated the toxins stored there;
  • -honey is a marvelous expectorant;
  • -honey can be used to keep in check couch;
  • -if you have a coarse voice eat a couple of spoons of honey;
  • -if you are anemic honey can do miracles for you.
  • -if you tend to get constipated replace sugar with honey and the problem should get solved pretty fast.

Warnings: -children under 1 year old should not eat honey because they can suffer some health complications because of it.
-by heating up honey you lose its medicinal properties. Be careful when you buy honey because some honey producers reheat the honey to make it liquid again. Honey should preferably be consumed at room temperature.

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