Sometimes, in order to get the body shape you’ve been dreaming off, you’ve got to get real creative in finding ways to melt the pounds of excess fat off your body. Because it’s hard to lose weight fast, especially when all the foods you love to eat are the ones who contribute to weight gain, […]
Tag Archives: eating habits
How to Keep The Lost Weight Off Forever
November 6, 2010
To keep the weight off once you lost it, you have to have healthy eating habits and continue exercising frequently. Maybe you won’t need to exercise as much as you used to while losing weight. Maybe you can afford to indulge your craving more often. But one thing is certain. If you want to keep […]
How to Tame a Wild Appetite
September 22, 2010
Excess weight is usually a sign of lack of self-control. If there are no medical reasons for your excess weight, your lack of restraint is the cause. There is no tip toeing around that simple harsh fact. I had to face it and you have to face it too if you want to lose weight […]
How to Improve Eyesight with a Healthy Diet Plan
July 22, 2010
When you eat right you feel right. And when you feel right you see right also. Because what a healthy diet plan does is give your body the ingredients necessary for healing all your body. Good food cures and keeps you healthy. It help you body and in turn makes you feel better, have more […]
Eat Slowly If You Want To Lose Weight and Avoid Overeating
July 21, 2010
Take twice as long to eat half as much.~Anonymous Weight loss and eating slowly are very good friends. When you eat slowly you avoid overeating which is always good for losing weight. The slower you eat the less food you eat, which means less excess calories for your body to burn. But what makes eating […]
How to Stop Diet Cravings Dead In Their Tracks
July 20, 2010
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.~Mark Twain We are all hardwired to seek out fatty or sugary foods. It seems that form an evolutionary standpoint, the person who ate the most sweet or fatty foods had the best chance of survival. Today, in an ironic situation reversal, the person […]
7 Easy to Do Portion Control Tips
July 20, 2010
If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.~H.S. Leigh Mastering the art of portion control is a must if you want to lose weight and improve your help. The following 7 portion control tips will help you tame your wild eating habits, making them more healthy: Portion control tip #1: Meat should always be […]
Healthy Food Recipes Should Include Smaller Food Portions
July 20, 2010
A recent study conducted by Dr. Jeff Brunstrom of the University of Bristol UK have proven that it’s not the size of the meals that counts, but our perception of them. The research was done by splitting similar test subjects into two groups. In the first test they were each given a smoothie. They were […]
A Simple to Do Healthy Eating Plan
July 16, 2010
My advice if you insist on slimming: Eat as much as you like – just don’t swallow it.~Harry Secombe Having a healthy eating plan to follow is a must if you want to be healthy nowadays. We are flooded with foods and options to stuff our faces at each corner. Navigating the treacherous isles of […]
Weight Management Is All About Having Good Eating Habits
July 16, 2010
I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.~Erma Bombeck Weight managements is the longest and sometimes the most difficult part of any weight loss program. That is why most weight loss solutions don’t even […]
March 19, 2011