Lose Weight to Improve Your Sex Life

July 11, 2010

Weight Loss Quotes

Food has replaced sex in my life; now, I can’t even get into my own pants.~Author Unknown

Recent studies have shown that your sex life suffers like a supermodel in front of a piece of cheesecake if you are obese. You can’t perform as well and you can’t enjoy your sex life as much because the fat gets in your way.

That is what the obese sex life studies were talking about. All scientifically proven facts. What I am going to talk about is something more risqué, that most avoid like they were the devil and this is holly water. If you are fat fewer people are going to like you, drastically reducing your chances of finding a mate.

I know we all would like the world to be perfect. Everybody tell us that people look at your soul. The reality is that people are super shallow and don’t get passed the skin when it comes to analyzing a possible future love relationship. Don’t believe me. Do the following test.

You have to choose between two different possible lovers. They are guaranteed to love you and like you just as you are. On one hand you can choose a lover with a beautiful sculpted body, dreamy and super hot body. On the other hand you can choose an overweight lover, with a cute muffin top and a great personality. Which one would you choose? Be honest with yourself.

I have used this test on many persons and all of them chose the hot lover. Women and men alike. Some wouldn’t admit it at first but eventually did. Who doesn’t want a hot lover. This proves that we are all shallow. It is in our nature. The person that said that Love is skin deep was right.

Now let’s turn the tables. If you are overweight and you would like a smoking hot lover, what do you think the opposite sex wants. If you aren’t smoking hot you better get moving becoming. I guarantee you that just by losing weight you are going to drastically improve your sex life. Your partner will want you more often and will be more pleased by you. Also if you want you can have more lovers than before, because the opposite sex will swamp you with offers.

What I have found through my work with overweight and obese people is that sex is very often the driving force of their weight loss motivation. Most people lose weight not because they want better health but because they want to be hotter and more sexually active. That is the driving force behind unstoppable weight loss motivation.

If improving your sex life is what drives you to lose weight, don’t be ashamed. Use it to make sure you will actually get to lose weight. Go and buy some skinny super hot clothes that you want to wear someday. Those are your target weight. Once you fit in them you know you’ve made it. Imagine yourself walking, making heads turn everywhere you go dressed in your new sexy cool clothes. Imagine flirting with your lover making him do your every bidding. It will get your blood boiling and you motivation to lose weight will go through the roof.

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