Tag Archives: healthy eating tips

Healthy Eating Tip: Starving Yourself to Lose Weight is Bad

July 10, 2010


It is a hard matter, my fellow citizens, to argue with the belly, since it has no ears.~Plutarch The best healthy eating tip I can give you is to never starve yourself. Starving yourself to lose weight is totally unhealthy and impossible to pull off in the long run. Few are the people who can […]

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Healthy Eating Habits: Eat to Live Not Live To Eat

July 2, 2010


One should eat to live, not live to eat.~Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV Eating is a hobby that many embrace, but few know they do. I love eating good food but I treasure my life more than food. That is why I was forced to strike a balance between the two. The way I did that is […]

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The Cardiologist’s Diet: if it tastes good, spit it out

July 2, 2010


” The cardiologist’s diet: if it tastes good, spit it out.”~Author Unknown If a food tastes good you are more likely to overindulge and eat a whole lot more of that food. Too much of anything isn’t good for your health. This usually goes double for any food that tastes good. We as human beings […]

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Excess Food Is Killing You: Obesity Health Risks

July 1, 2010


”More die in the United States of too much food than of too little.”~John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society Unfortunately more people die in the United Stated because of overeating that of hunger. Being overweight brings all kind of health risks and health problems that the scientists barely begin to understand. That is why if […]

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Don’t Turn Your Stomach Into a Waste Dump

July 1, 2010


”Your stomach shouldn’t be a waist bucket”~Author Unknown You wouldn’t put garbage in your own home so why do you put garbage in your own body. Your body is your own temple, a lot more sacred than your home. If someone tried to pour something down your neck I bet you would put up a […]

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Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Diet Soda Bad for You and Your Kidneys

June 30, 2010


There are many dangers associated with drinking diet soda. People who drink daily at least 2 types of diet sodas (with artificial sweeteners) have a doubled the chance to prematurely contract kidney failure. Specialists from Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, a study institution associated with Harvard University did a research study using approximately 3000 women test […]

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The Short Unhealthy Foods List

June 30, 2010


Most of our daily unhealthy foods have a negative effect on our bodies, even if some have a less perceivable effect on a short term basis, in the long run we still end up suffering their effects. Foods should be considered risky or even dangerous if they are full of empty calories. For example foods […]

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Soft Drinks Cause Liver Problems

June 30, 2010


Just 2 glasses if soft drink per day increases the risk of steatosis ( a type of hepatitis) by 80% as shown by an Israeli scientific research. Usually hepatitis afflictions are related to drinking and alcohol abuse but this study shows that soft drinks with a high sugar content level may be a source of […]

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Lactic Acid Fermentation

June 30, 2010


When we hear about fermentation, the first thing that jumps to mind is alcohol, be it beer, wine or spirits, but I bet most of you didn’t know that fermentation is also present in our cooking products. Without it we couldn’t have bread, cream, yogurt, cheese, cider, pickles and all sorts of other yummy delights […]

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Resveratrol Supplements Might Help You Live Longer and Be Slimmer

June 24, 2010


Reservatrol is a red wine compound well known for its life extending properties. It also helps reduce the health problems associated with a fatty diet. But in a recent study done on lemurs it was discovered that reservatrol might also help us lose weight. According to the scientists from the Centre National de la Recherche […]

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