How to choose the perfect gym to workout

April 24, 2009

Exercise & Fitness

When you choose your gym you should take in consideration the following before you make up your mind about what gym to frequent:

Accessibility: the gym should be in the zones you frequent daily. Somewhere on the road between your home and work would be perfect. Don’t choose a gym that is one hour away of driving from your home. That’s one hour that could be used up doing your aerobic exercises. You will go to the gym for at least 3 times a week so the nearer it is the more time you will save. And time is the most precious commodity we have.

Schedule: if the gym is open from 9 am to 7 pm and your working hours are from 10 am to 5 pm you have to take into consideration possible delays. Sometimes working over hours can’t be avoided. Also take into consideration any other activities that you must do after work: meeting with friends and high life events. Establish what events you can skip, where you can afford to be late and from what events you can leave earlier. But if you are a very active person maybe you should redo your schedule assigning "Going to the gym" top priority.


Personnel and equipment: you go to the gym to workout. You need good equipment and up to date informed trainers. Look at the equipment and analyze in what state it is and how well maintained it is. Also there should be enough workout machines to ensure easy access to them. Also the personal trainers must have the knowhow and be capable to create for you a personalized workout schedule.

Space and cleanliness: look in the locker room before you decide to subscribe to a gym. Imagine the situation of 20 to 30 persons changing clothes after an intense aerobic workout. Do you have enough space? Are the showers clean? How good is the ventilation?

Workout partners: visit the gym at the hour you would usually go in. Take a look around to see alongside who you will workout. Are there more men or women? Is it too crowded? Are there people too young or too old for your taste. Don’t forget you will see this people a couple of times every week for a long time.

Money: when you compute the money you will spend on the gym take into consideration the transportation money, the lost time, the quality of the gym, if the subscription is unlimited or you have a limited number of workouts per month, if you can take another person with you on the same subscription. Eventually you might even realize that the more apparently expensive gym is more cheaper than the other lower value choices.

Now that you know for what to look in the perfect gym you can pick up your training equipment and get motivated to workout and go to the perfect gym for you. Have a happy workout!

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