Tag Archives: state of mind

15 Jogging Tips for Beginners

January 26, 2010


1. Welcome to the starting line The starting line is the place to start jogging. From the beginning set 2 clear objectives: maximize results and minimize accidents. 2. Buy the right shoes Because they’re the most expensive item in your wardrobe, spend your money smart by buying special jogging shoes from a well-known company, which […]

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Food Causes Of Stress: 11 foods that help increase stress

January 20, 2010

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– Caffeine– this is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola etc. Caffeine induces adrenalin production thus increasing stress. People addicted to caffeine exhaust the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones. These hormones influence the metabolism. In the long run caffeine associated with an unhealthy diet leads to weight gain. Excessive caffeine consumption has the same […]

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How to relax in 15 minutes: simple to do relaxation exercises

January 18, 2010

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All you need is a few minutes to rid yourself of the tension you gathered after a fight or after a demanding situation. It only takes 15 minutes. 1)Release the tension : 1 minute Scream! As hard as you can! If you can’t scream, sing something you can think of, but in high tones! Take […]

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Deep Breathing Exercises to Oxygenate Your Body

July 3, 2009


Without oxygen living life would be impossible on earth as we know it. You and I can live just a couple of minutes without air. Your brain can function without air for 3 minutes and after that it dies. If you get tired fast, you feel a lack of breath and strength, then you might […]

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Lose Weight and Stay Healthy By Cleaning the House

June 12, 2009


When a big holyday comes around the corner you get busy cleaning the house. If you are lucky and have a garden, you also have to clean it too. As a side note I really hate cleaning my garden. But it is a great way to work out my body and get rid of stress. […]

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The Pilates Workout for a Toned Body

June 11, 2009


Pilates is a great way to tone your whole body. It is a unique system of stretching and weight exercises that strengthen and tone your muscles. The Pilates system has been developed over 90 years ago by Joseph Pilates. A Pilates workout strengthens your muscles, increases your flexibility and equilibrium, lowers the level of stress, […]

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How to Stop Your Coffee Addiction: tips & tricks

June 3, 2009


The first step towards putting an end to your coffee addiction would be reducing the quantity of coffee you drink daily. Replace the big cup you use to drink coffee in the morning with a smaller one. And drink just one cup of coffee in the morning. DO go drinking 2 cups because they are […]

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Serotonin and norepinephrine: the endorphins of happiness

May 18, 2009


Chocolate for most is an instant source of happiness. Some say that delicious foods keep your spirits high. The bad news is that all the foods that make you feel good are most likely also making you fat. The good news is that there are foods that also boost your morale and don’t get packed […]

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Can stress determine weight gain? Is stress fattening?

May 11, 2009


Can stress be the main cause of weight gain? No. The main reason of weight gain is bad eating habits. If you eat right and healthy and you still gain weight then there can be more deep causes for your weight problem: hormonal imbalance, some medicine, stress… Stress is one factor that bring imbalance to […]

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How to get out of depression using antidepressant foods and other tricks

May 6, 2009


You don’t have any desire to work. If it were up to you all you would do all day long would be sleeping, hanging around the beach and reading a good but easy book. You find it harder and harder to get out of bed and go to the bathroom in the morning. Don’t fret […]

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