We all know that quitting smoking makes you gain some weight. It’s something that cannot be stopped or avoided usually. But did you know that smoking makes you fatter and fatter each and every day?
A recent study made by the Department of Preventative Medicine at the University of Navarra pointed out a very strong link between smoking and gaining weight. In fact the study showed that the more cigarettes you smoke the greater the chances are of you gaining weight.
The study was conducted over a 50 months period and 7565 people participated in it. Some of them were smokers and some non-smokers. The results of the study are eye opening. It clearly proves that smoking isn’t a good way of preventing obesity. In fact smokers gained a lot more weight than the non-smokers.
What about gaining weight after quitting smoking. Well during the study some of the smokers have quit smoking and the scientists could examine the results of quitting smoking on their weight. They did gain weight, proportional to how much they smoked previously to quitting. The more they smoked the more weight they gained once they quitted smoking. But what is interesting is that the weight gain wasn’t constant. They suffered fluctuation in weight, gaining some weight and then losing some. Probably in time they will lose all the weight gained by quitting smoking.
There are plenty of studies showing that smoking increases the risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. If smoking makes smokers fatter than that risk becomes even bigger. Excess fat also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This makes smoking a really nasty habit that can ruin your healthy very fast.
You can check out the full results in the Revista Española de Cardiología. While you do that, if you are a smoker stop and think about quitting smoking and actually doing it. Your body will thank you and you will spend much less on pills because of it.
May 3, 2010
Weight Loss News