Exercise more to prevent osteoporosis

May 24, 2009

Exercise & Fitness

Exercising and working out are a must if you want to significantly lower the risk of getting osteoporosis. Working out is especially necessary for women because they have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis after menopause. A woman during her menopause loses in about 25 years the same amount of bone tissue that she had build up until the age of 12 years old.

A study done in Finland, cited by the International Osteoporosis Foundation or IOF, has proven that regular workouts that solicit the body help premenstrual women increase their bone density. Women that workout frequently and their workouts are very intense, have roughly with 40% more bone tissue than the ones that don’t exercise that often. Young people should run, walk, jumps… to improve their bone density. And when old age comes strong bones will prevent osteoporosis from setting in.


Children should exercise daily starting with the age of 8 years old, even sooner, until the age of 16-18 years old. In that time span the bones get forms and they have a great opportunity to increase their bone density for life. Girls that have an physically active lifestyle have a bone resistance with 7% to 9% higher than the ones that have a lot less physical activities. The boys with an daily physical activity have bones with an increased resistance of 9% to 12% higher than the ones that don’t really workout.

Workout is the best friend of menopause woman in fighting off osteoporosis

Every woman that has reached menopause have their bones exposed to increased perils. That is why I am always urging my mother to workout and exercise more. Walking is a great way to maintain or even improve your bone density. For menopause women the strengthening of the back muscles is a must if they want to avoid spine fractures.

Exercising is a grain to maintain your normal balance and your muscles will get strengthened also. The more we grow older the more we need to workout more. That is how we will be in top shape and avoid during old age bone fractures.

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