Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms According to Each Vitamin

February 15, 2010

Health & Motivation

During weight loss diets, especially in the winter, there are a number of nutritional deficiencies, caused either by an insufficient intake of trofin (food substances) or because of a loss of nutrients during digestion. There is a range of symptoms that may be a sign of deficiency of one or more vitamins. If you experience any of these symptoms you should to go to the doctor so that he may determine the exact cause and recommend a treatment.

The Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms are:

1. Vitamin A – deficiency symptoms occur both ophthalmology, and in the epithelium (skin) and the mucous membranes and occur either because of insufficient food intake or because of liver or pancreas disorders. A diet rich in foods containing vitamin A and beta carotene (milk, cheese, yolk, liver, fish, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin) can treat such a deficiency. The daily demand of vitamin A (retinol) varies between 1.3 and 1.5 mg/day in adults without special needs and can reach up to 2.4 mg/day in pregnant women.

2. Vitamin D – Rickets is a major deficiency symptom of vitamin D avitaminosis; other symptoms that occur because of vitamin D deficiency are: osteopathy deficiency, tetanus, spasmophilia, cavities and bone decalcification. In this case, nutrition must be rich in: fish, liver, egg yolk, butter, milk and the ones that have these problems should expose to sunlight to favor the photosynthesis of vitamin D. The daily demand of vitamin D ranges between 100 IU/day in adults without special needs and 800 IU/day in pregnant women.

3. Vitamin E – The clinical manifestations of vitamin E deficiency symptoms are delayed puberty, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), miscarriage, sterility and impotence, liver problems and fragile capillaries. The diet in this situation must contain: wheat bran and rye bread, boiled wheat, wheat germs, celery, spinach, carrots, parsley, soy and, last but not least, fish. Daily needs of vitamin E vary from diet to diet, being higher when unsaturated fatty acids are consumed.

4. Vitamin B1 – A deficiency occurs when intake is not only insufficient, but when the needs of the body are much higher: growth, pregnancy, lactation or in some pathological conditions: diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, diabetes, gout, or alcoholism. The diet in these cases must be rich in vitamin B1, low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Foods that are rich in vitamin B1 are: yeast, mushrooms, dried vegetables, nuts, raw peanuts, liver and kidney and light pork. The daily vitamin B1 (thiamine) intake varies between 1.1 and 1.5 mg/day in adults.

5. Vitamin B2 – Hypovitaminosis B2 is very common and is manifested by angular stomatitis, skin lesions on the nose, eyelids, ears, atrophy of the throat mucous membrane and anemia. Foods that are rich in vitamin B2 are: milk, eggs, liver, meat, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The daily intake of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) varies between 1.8 and 3 mg/day in adults.

6. Folic acid – Deficiency disorders arise from lack of sufficient food intake in the period in which the body needs are greater: pregnancy, lactation, growth, gastric insufficiency, liver disorders or frequent exposure to radiations. Foods that are rich in folic acid are: liver, meat, fish, dark pigment vegetables (peppers, eggplant, broccoli, spinach, nettles, etc.). The daily folic acid intake for a healthy adult varies between 0.5 and 1 mg/day.

7. Vitamin C – Deficiency manifestations occur frequently, the major disorder is scurvy, but there are many minor events that occur more often like: asthenia, hypotension, general metabolic disorders, vascular disorders, and disorders of the capillaries and of the bones, decreased immunity. The best sources of ascorbic acid or vitamin C are: gooseberries, currants, strawberries, citrus, red and green peppers, cabbage, tomatoes and spinach. The daily vitamin C intake in adults ranges between 70 and 75 mg/day. During pregnancy and breastfeeding we recommend 150 mg/day.

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So pay attention to the intake of vitamins in your daily diet, especially during weight loss. Including all of these vitamins in your diet is the only method of eating right and losing unwanted pounds. Always be on the lookout for vitamin deficiency symptoms.

Find out the health benefits of vitamins and minerals.

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