Many people go through the trouble of calculating their body fat percentage in an attempt to find out if they are fat or not. Unfortunately the body fat percentage is a good indicator for obesity of being overweight. The purpose of the body fat percentage is that of evaluating the fitness level of an individual. […]
Tag Archives: overweight
If You Are Obese Your Job Might Be In Peril
August 19, 2010
According to a recent study, obese employees take more sick leaves than more slender employees. The result of this study tend to suggest that if an employer has to choose between two employees to fire, if their skill level is about the same, they will be more inclined to fire the more overweight one. It […]
How to Look Good If You Are Overweight
July 20, 2010
She looked as if she had been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say “when.”~P.G. Wodehouse The simplest thing you can do to look good if you are overweight is wear loser clothes. Clothes that are too tight make the fat take odd forms that never make you look good. This is the […]
Obesity is Taking Over the World
July 20, 2010
Obesity is really widespread.~Joseph O. Kern II According to a recent report, in more than half of the United States the obesity rate is over 25%. This is an all time high and a bad indicator for what is about to come. If 10 years ago the highest obesity rate was under 20%, today it […]
What Causes Obesity?
July 20, 2010
Fat is not a moral problem. It’s an oral problem.~Jane Thomas Noland Many scientists are debating what causes obesity and its constant rise to world domination. I my opinion the answer is easy: lots and lots of unhealthy food is what causes obesity. We are swamped in a world of tasty junk food that doesn’t […]
Be Afraid of Being Too Fat
July 19, 2010
Not afraid of heights – afraid of widths.~Author Unknown Being a little overweight can be acceptable. You don’t look that bad because of it and your general health doesn’t suffer any adverse fat effects. But fat can sneak up upon yourself, and one day you will look in the mirror and discover an obese person […]
Obesity Facts Link Bad Memory to Being Overweight
July 16, 2010
Post menopausal overweight women present a greater risk of memory loss and issues. Although the further you go in age the harder it seems to remember things, being obese only hurts your chances more. Recent studies showed a worrying link between obesity and bad memory. Over 8000 women with ages ranging in from 65 to […]
Being Fat Doesn’t Necessarily Lead To Cardiovascular Diseases
June 24, 2010
In a new study done b the Dutch it has been proven that not all obese people develop cardiovascular disease. Some of them are lucky because they have a good functioning body which keep in check all its functions. But who exactly are those lucky overweight people? To be able to take out of your […]
Obese Men Have A Low Testosterone Level
May 5, 2010
Studies show that obese men have a low testosterone level. Diabetic men have even a lower testosterone level and it is pretty common for an obese man to suffer from diabetes too. The bad part about having a low testosterone level and being obese is that you get man boobs. No man wants man boobs. […]
Stereotypes: Overweight People Are Lazy While Skinny People Aren’t
May 4, 2010
It is a very popular belief that overweight people are lazy. In fact a recent study made by Tanya Berry at the University of Alberta proved that this stereotype is alive and thriving. Many when they see an overweight person browsing the web or watching TV jump to conclusions an label that person as lazy. […]
October 5, 2010