Tag Archives: health risks

Fast Food Kills

July 16, 2010


History is apt or judge harshly those that sacrifice tomorrow for today.~Harold MacMillan I a recent news story I’ve heard that the generation coming 10 years from now are the first generations to have a life expectancy lower than that we have now. It is the first time that this happens in the history of […]

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Preventing Childhood Obesity Causes thru Neck Size

July 7, 2010


Studies show that by measuring neck circumference doctors can better determine if a child is obese or overweight. The new method gained the attention of researchers when confronted by the problematic results used in spotting childhood obesity by calculating the kid’s BMI ( Body mass index). The problems arise because children are still growing and […]

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Obesity Epidemic Confirmed by Growing Obesity Rates

July 7, 2010


Over the past year obesity rates in 28 US states have increased proving that Americans are still getting fatter and fatter. Executive director for the Trust for America’s Health, Jeff Lewis confirmed that "More than two-thirds of states now have adult obesity rates above 25 percent," Proving that the obesity epidemic is on the rise […]

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Study Show that Obesity Health Risks are Cancer Causes

July 6, 2010


A study performed on 401,215 subjects from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Thailand, Australia and South Korea showed that obesity health risks are cancer causes. For some time now obesity has been regarded as a health risk and in the west it has been viewed as a cancer cause, but there haven’t […]

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Excess Food Is Killing You: Obesity Health Risks

July 1, 2010


”More die in the United States of too much food than of too little.”~John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society Unfortunately more people die in the United Stated because of overeating that of hunger. Being overweight brings all kind of health risks and health problems that the scientists barely begin to understand. That is why if […]

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The Microwave Oven Health Risks

February 15, 2010


More and more people are using the microwave as a convenient means of cooking, heating or defrosting food. But there are people who ask themselves what are the consequences and effects these furnaces have on food safety and even on their health. It is known that microwaves are forms of electromagnetic energy, generated electronically. When […]

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The Signs and Symptoms of Anorexia and Bulimia

February 1, 2010


What are the causes of anorexia? Causes vary from person to person but all anorexics react to internal an d external factors such as stress, anxiety, sadness or the feeling of losing control over one’s life. Most people who suffer from food disorders have low self esteem and long for social integration. Anorexics are convinced […]

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The Health Risks of Weight Loss Pills

January 22, 2010


Weight loss pills are very attractive for a lot of people, especially women. They use these drugs to suppress their excessive eating habits or for their laxative effect. As long as they are taken under strict medical supervision there is no risk, but if used permanently they are addictive, they can mess with your metabolism, […]

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