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7 Healthy Foods to Eat Each Week

July 14, 2010


As for food, half of my friends, have dug their graves with their teeth.~Chauncey M. Depew There are lots of healthy foods to eat, but some of them are healthier than others. Here is a list of 10 health foods to eat each week if you want to strengthen your health and maybe even lose […]

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Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Diet Soda Bad for You and Your Kidneys

June 30, 2010


There are many dangers associated with drinking diet soda. People who drink daily at least 2 types of diet sodas (with artificial sweeteners) have a doubled the chance to prematurely contract kidney failure. Specialists from Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, a study institution associated with Harvard University did a research study using approximately 3000 women test […]

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Soft Drinks Cause Liver Problems

June 30, 2010


Just 2 glasses if soft drink per day increases the risk of steatosis ( a type of hepatitis) by 80% as shown by an Israeli scientific research. Usually hepatitis afflictions are related to drinking and alcohol abuse but this study shows that soft drinks with a high sugar content level may be a source of […]

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A Hectic Eating Schedule Makes You Fat and Diabetic

May 5, 2010


A recent study made by the researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies proved that a hectic eating schedule can in fact make you gain weight and diabetic. The whole study started from the observations that shift workers, especially those that work at night, are more likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome. The metabolic […]

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Artificial sweeteners vs sugar

February 22, 2010


The human body and especially the brain, was designed to use reserves of blood sugar for its benefit. Without sugar, we would certainly not have life. To function optimally, however, the human body needs a certain amount of sugar, which varies between 0.70 and 1.10 g / l. What happens when you exceed this amount […]

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Negative Calorie Foods: what foods to eat to lose weight easier

February 15, 2010


All foods contain nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins or fat), they also contain calories (energy) and vitamins and minerals. It is known that vitamins stimulate living tissues to produce enzymes, substances that basically break down food. These enzymes are responsible for accelerating the biochemical reactions in the body. It was found that there are a number of […]

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The Glycemic Index and the Health Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet

February 2, 2010


Carbohydrates or foods that contain sugars have been a debated subject by dieticians and dieting people. So carbohydrates have been pinned against the wall by hyperprotein dieters and sustained by those who have a daily balanced diet. An interesting criteria for sorting foods is the glycemic index. The glycemic index is an indicator of how […]

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Fruit Diet Weight Loss: why fruits are awesome for losing weight

February 2, 2010

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There are a series of foods on which nutrition specialists are releasing a series of theories (for and against); But when it comes to fruits it’s unanimous: fruits are a rich source of health and energy and help shake of extra pounds because they contain vital nutrients which the body needs. A fruit diet for […]

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Low Fat Diet Weight Loss: should you use it?

February 1, 2010

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Your fat intake contributes to gaining weight, since one ounce of fat bring almost double the calories than an ounce protein or glucose. So if you want to lose weight, reduce cholesterol or you just want to eat healthy you need to reduce your fat food intake. If we also want to lose weight it’s […]

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10 Important Food Facts That You Should Know

February 1, 2010


1) A fat and salt rich diet has an elevated risk of coronary affliction 2) In average a third of cancer cases can be prevented by a change in diet. A diet rich in dietary fibers and whole wheat also low in fat can prevent a number of tumors among which colon, stomach and breast […]

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