7 Foods High in Fiber: Include Them in Your Diet and See the Difference

May 3, 2012

Diet Foods

Are you starving yourself to lose weight but not finding it easy? Many people fail to follow fad diet which tells them to eat less to lose weight. Starving yourself is next to impossible and it is not healthy at all. But the question is why should you starve yourself if it is possible to lose weight even without starving? Yes, it is possible with the high fiber foods that can fulfill your hunger without adding much calorie to your body. I will let you know about 7 foods high in fiber which tops the chart of the dieticians who suggest practical and healthy ways of losing weight.

Managing weight seems to be a big problem for people with busy schedule of life. It is seen that people take up a tough diet plan and leave it in the middle because they cannot deal with the hunger. Fiber has a close relation with weight management and it would never make you fail in your weight loss goal. The reason behind this lays in the fact that fiber can smoother your digestive system. You will never suffer from digestion and the residue of your foods will be cleared properly.
High fiber foods require more time to chew which means that you feel full after eating a small quantity. At the same time the fiber in the food delays the release of glucose in the blood and this limits the digestion of plant starch. The 7 high fiber foods listed below are quite effective in this process.

Bran: This includes corn, wheat oat and unrefined rice. When you consider each of them in whole grain form you will find a high amount of fiber in them accompanies with B6 vitamin. Corn is the richest in this category with 85 grams fiber content in each 100 grams. Rice and wheat are known for providing approximately 35 grams fiber in every 100 grams.

Beans: Beans are also good source of fiber. Navy beans and white beans are especially great in fiber content and they are also rich in protein and vitamin. White beans have 15gram fiber content while navy beans have 10.5 gram fiber in it. There are other beans such as kidney beans, black beans and garbanzo beans, all rich in fiber.

Edamame: It is the other name of soybean that is specially found in East Asian cuisines. It is also a good source of fiber with a fiber content of 4.2 grams.

Nuts: Some people believe that nuts increases the fat in your body but in reality nuts such as almonds, pecans and pistachios are rich in fiber and helps in regulating your body system.

Flax seeds: Flax seeds and sesame seeds are good source of dietary fiber and heart healthy oils. Apart from sesame seeds sesame butter is also a good source of dietary fiber.

Pear: Pear is one of those fruits which are famous for its high fiber property. You need to take them with skin on and they will supply your body with good amount of fiber.

Dried herbs: Dried herbs such as cinnamon, paper, oregano, rosemary and many more are there in the list of fiber rich foods. Ground cinnamon contains the highest amount of fiber and it can enhance the taste of any food.

Apart from these 7 foods high in fiber, there are many other foods which are good source of fiber. Include them in your diet and see how easy weight management can be.

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