Tag Archives: side effects

Foods That Eat Up Your Energy Level

June 23, 2009


Believe it or not there are foods that lover your energy level if you eat them. If you want to be more energetic you just have to stay away from them. The symptoms of tiredness that you feel, especially when the seasons change, might have multiple causes: physiological related to the levels of hormones in […]

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Cola Addiction: caffeine soft drinks are unhealthy

June 18, 2009


More and more people are hooked on caffeine soft drinks. They are caffeine soft drinks junkies. I know people that drink at least 2 liters of Coca Cola or Pepsi daily. They have stomach problems and can’t stop drinking colas. They are cola addicts. If you are a caffeine soda addict and you want to […]

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What are proteins and why proteins are important for your health

May 19, 2009


Proteins are organic substances made of amino acids made by your body or taken from food. Proteins enter in the constitution of cells, tissues (bone, muscles), enzymes, antibodies, organs and some hormones. In some cases proteins can also be uses as a source of energy. The burning of 1 gram of proteins releases the equivalent […]

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4 foods you should avoid eating

May 8, 2009

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Soft drinks Almost every one of us has had a period of their live when we slept with the cola bottle on the nightstand. But just one cup contains about 150 calories, the equivalent of 10 spoons of sugar, 30-35 mg of caffeine, food additives and colorants. And the light versions of soft drinks are […]

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Who should stop eating sugar as fast as possible

May 6, 2009


Refined sugar is not indispensable for the human body. Some nutritionist consider sugar the white poison. The bad effects that sugar has on us humans are as great as the bad effects of alcohol and tobacco together. So you can smoke and drink or eat sugar. All of us should stop eating sugar as fast […]

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The side effects of sugar eating

May 6, 2009


Diabetes is the worst and most dangerous side effect of eating too much sugar. The eating of sugar and sugary foods is the worst enemy of your pancreas. In time, tired of all the effort of metabolizing huge quantities of sugar, your pancreas starts working at below normal parameters. That’s how diabetes appears. Diabetes creates […]

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