Tag Archives: psychology

Ayurveda weight loss and the ayurvedic types

April 9, 2009


In a world were stress is at every step, pollution is rampant and medicine fails at treading numerous diseases, more and more people turn to the oriental alternative therapies for help. Ayurveda is one of them and it can help you lose weight and get a more healthy life. In the philosophy of the Ayurveda […]

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The Zen diet or how to lose weight without stress

March 26, 2009


Fatigue, depression, muscle aches… stress can be really harmful for your health. But did you know that stress is also a sworn enemy of your waist. If you want to lose weight without stress and without fatigue discover the secrets of the Zen diet. The Zen diet will help you overcome the obstacles that you […]

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Accept your body as it is: great because it’s yours

March 24, 2009


Sometimes you are proud and sometimes you detest your body. Sometimes you want to show it off and feel the envious gazes and at other times you want to hide you body. You don’t pamper your body too often and too many timed you make it take a punishment by subjecting it to drastic diets […]

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