Tag Archives: emotional eating

Appetite Control Tips: How to Control Your Raging Appetite

July 14, 2010

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Govern well thy appetite, lest Sin Surprise thee, and her black attendant, Death.~John Milton A raging appetite can ruin any weight loss plan, and keep you from losing weight indefinitely. That is why appetite control is an essential skill you must acquire before embarking on any weight loss journey. The best way to control your […]

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Stop Emotional Hunger: Eat Only When You are Really Hungry

July 7, 2010


If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.~Author Unknown The simplest thing you can do to make sure you lose weight is to eat only when you are hungry. Saying it is unfortunately a lot easier to do than actually doing et. But don’t despair. I will give you an awesome […]

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Get Rid of Compulsive Eating as an Emotional Escape

July 7, 2010


Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.~Peter De Vries Compulsive eating is a sign of strong unresolved emotions boiling under the surface of your conscious mind. Those emotions tend to eat you alive, and you in turn eat lots of food to balance them out. That is not the way to […]

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Free the Thin Person Inside You

July 2, 2010


Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.~Author Unknown Each overweight person thinks at least once per day about losing weight fast. Daydreaming about a thinner you is so pleasant and depressing at the same time. Realizing how […]

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The Importance of Managing the Emotions Behind Your Eating Sprees

May 5, 2010


It is very common for people to eat in a desperate need to fill an emotional void. Unfortunately that void cannot be filled regardless how much food you pour in it. All you manage to do is get fatter and fatter. Your emotions play an important role in driving your eating behavior towards healthy or […]

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How to Stop Emotional Eating: breaking free from emotional eating

October 5, 2009


Many people try to bury their feeling under a huge pile of food. The only thing that they succeed in accomplishing is getting fat, losing their health and becoming even more miserable. If you are a frequent emotional eater you have to break free from emotional eating. It doesn’t help you at all. Your feelings […]

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How To Stop Binge Eating: regain control over your eating habits

May 30, 2009

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How often do you find yourself mindlessly binging on some unhealthy food? You are not alone. And better yet there are simple steps you can make to put a stop to binge eating fast and easy. It is said that there are 3 types of people when it comes to unhealthy eating habits. The ones […]

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Emotional eating: the relation between your mood and eating

May 12, 2009


A very important part to consider when it comes to weight loss is the relation between your mood and eating. Emotional eating occurs on many occasions, usually generated by bad feelings. An important number of studies have shown that your appetite can be stimulated and increased by feelings like worry, frustration, anger, hostility, guilt or […]

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Can stress determine weight gain? Is stress fattening?

May 11, 2009


Can stress be the main cause of weight gain? No. The main reason of weight gain is bad eating habits. If you eat right and healthy and you still gain weight then there can be more deep causes for your weight problem: hormonal imbalance, some medicine, stress… Stress is one factor that bring imbalance to […]

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How to distinguish between emotional hunger and physical hunger

May 8, 2009

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Normal physical hunger is often mistaken with emotional hunger that triggers emotional eating. They are two completely different types of hunger. Emotional hunger is emotional based while physical hunger is physiologically based, you need to eat so that the body can continue functioning properly. Emotional hunger appears suddenly. If one minute ago food was far […]

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