Tag Archives: ayurveda diet

The Ayurveda Kapha diet

April 10, 2009


The ayurvedic kapha type tend to eat a lot. That is why the best solution for a balanced diet are foods that have a low caloric content but a high fiber content. You should pick aliments that have fewer proteins and sugars but that are rich in vitamins. The Kapha ayurvedic type has to learn […]

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The Ayurveda Pitta diet

April 10, 2009


Your main concern is keeping your weight between normal limits. You have a considerable appetite which if it isn’t satisfies leads to rage episodes and nervousness. Even though you want to lose weight constantly you crave for fat and spicy foods that harm you on the long run. You should really avoid excess salt, red […]

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The Ayurveda Vata diet

April 10, 2009


Your main problem is a bad digestion that predisposes you to constipation. You are always on the move and you are very agitated. You have the tendency to eat fast and that is why you suffer from bloating almost all the time. Try sitting down while eating and chewing good your food before swallowing. Also […]

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