What Vitamins Are Good For Your Eyes: the eye health vitamins

June 3, 2009

Health & Motivation

Natural vitamins can improve your eyesight. But first you have to find out which vitamins are healthy for your eyes so you will eat more foods containing them.

Vitamin A: stops the degeneration process of the cornea and the degeneration of the functioning of the retina. The first signs of a lack of vitamin A form your body are the lack of accommodation to light and the disappearance of the glossiness from the cornea. I more advances cases the visual field gets narrower. Usually the treatment is done using beta carotene which gets transformed by your liver in vitamin A. This process depends on the need of your body. One of the most important sources of vitamin A are butter, egg yolk, liver, fish oil.


Vitamin B2 and B6: help maintain your eyesight, regulating the intra-eye pressure and prevent your eyes form getting tired. The lack of vitamin B2 and B6 leads to conjunctivitis, excess eye tears, a burning eye feeling, lower eyesight, the gluing of the eyelids together by a sticky secretion. All these eye problems can be eliminating by following a good treatment for a couple of weeks. All you have to do is eat foods containing lots of vitamin B2 and B6. Vitamin B2 is found in most vegetables, liver, kidneys, milk, cheeses, rice, oat flakes .

Inositol or vitamin B8: is a member of the vitamin B complex. Inositol ensures the functional balance of the eye. Citric fruits contain a big quantity of inozitol, but you can generally find it in most fruits, nut, germinated seeds, milk, meat.

Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid: has a very important role in the health of your body. Vitamin C protects the crystalline and maintains the integrity of the capillary blood vessels. It has been proven that people that consume low quantities of vitamin C tend to have a much higher intra-eye pressure. Also studies have shown that people suffering of cataract have a lower level of vitamin C in their body. Vitamin C is found almost in every natural food that are fresh, especially in fruits. Citric fruits are a awesome source of vitamin C. You can also eat more vegetables to get more vitamin C.

Vitamin E: slows down the aging process of the cells. Vitamin E is especially important in preventing cataract and in the treatment of short-sightedness. The natural sources of vitamin E are germinated wheat, oil, nuts, greens, spinach, cabbage, whole grain cereals, eggs.

Vitamin supplements aren’t that good in replacing and ensuring your body the vitamins t needs. Natural vitamins are absorbed much more easily than the synthetic vitamins. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and you shouldn’t have any problems.

Warning: eating just one type of vitamin B from the vitamin B complex can lead to a deficit in the other vitamin. You have to take in all the B vitamins. A huge dose of vitamin B2 combined with the lack of other antioxidants in the body, creates greater sensibility to the rays of the sun.

Children who are under the age of 16 should go to get their eyes checked yearly.

Having a vitamin rich diet is extremely good for your eyes and eyesight. Vitamins keep your eyes healthy so make sure you include lots of vitamin sources in your daily meals.

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