Walking and jogging are pleasant and healthy outdoor sports

May 19, 2009

Exercise & Fitness

Walking is one of the most preferred and practiced outdoor physical activity. All you need is a good pair of shoes, some comfortable clothes, a bottle of water and lots of energy. If you like jogging then you should consider buying some good workout clothes that are stylish and comfortable at the same time.

Walking might not seem that much of an exercise for your body. Well it is a great way to exercise your body. Walking is recommended to all because it oxygenates your lungs, puts the muscle sin motion and strengthens them too. You will also walk some calorie away too.

Jogging helps you lose weight fast. It is one of the best cardio exercises available at the moment. It is said that there are two types of people that practice jogging: the ones that love jogging and the one stha t hat jogging but love the result jogging gives.


The helth benefits of jogging are:
-jogging is a good way to fight against depression
-jogging reduces the aging of tissues
-jogging reduces the risk of strokes and breast cancer
-jogging prevents osteoporosis, diabetes and high blood pressure to set in
-jogging lower the chances of ever getting a heart attack because jogging strengthens the muscles of the heart, lowers blood pressure and maintains the elasticity of your arteries. When you jog your arteries expand and contract 3 times more than usually.
-jogging increases your immunity by helping increase the number of white cells in your body

Remember that perseverance and willpower are the key to achieving any success. Getting used to going outdoor and working out is a lifestyle choice. You have to change your lifestyle and your health will improve too. I wish you luck.

Find out How to start jogging for a better health now.

For more information on walking for exercise read Walking for Exercise: get a complete workout exercise by walking.

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