Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid: the health benefits of vitamin B5

February 8, 2010

Diets & Nutrition

Pantothenic acid was named after the Greek word pantothenate that means "everywhere", because this acid is everywhere in nature. In the group of vitamins that are water-soluble and that are synthesized by green plants and many other organisms, vitamin B5 reaches the tissues of animals that eat them, especially in the liver and eggs. Pantothenic acid is an important component of coenzyme A, a substance that helps the body eliminate toxins from insecticides and medicines. Vitamin B5 is essential to the cellular activity. Heat, alkaline and acidic environments are not favorable to vitamin B5.

Recommended daily dose of vitamin B5: 10-15 mg

Vitamin B5 sources

• Foods that contain vitamin B5 are: yeast, beef organs, whole grains, nuts, royal jelly, salmon, egg yolk, mushrooms, cauliflower, green vegetables;

The health benefits of vitamin B5
•It produces energy, reinvigorates the body and reduces stress;
• Participates to the metabolic processes: the degradation of carbohydrates, lipids and certain amino acids, but also the synthesis of cholesterol, antibodies and many hormones;
• Fights infection and alleviate the toxicity of bad factors;
• Slows down aging.

Useful health tips about vitamin B5:
• The combination of several B group vitamins slows down hair loss;
• Vitamin B5 deficiencies are more common in those who consume alcohol frequently, to those who have increased cholesterol and the elderly;
• antibiotics, sleeping pills, oral contraceptives, stress and alcohol it cancels the properties of pantothenic acid;
• It is estimated that the current diet (industrial supply products, preparation mode) reduces the properties of vitamin B5.

Find out more health benefits of vitamins and minerals.

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