The health benefits of strawberries

May 11, 2009

Diets & Nutrition

Perfumed and sensual, strawberries are a real star amongst fruits.

Because of their high water percentage, 90%, and dietary fibers, strawberries have a diuretic effect, lover the level of uric acid, helping detox your body. Strawberries are great for renal diseases, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, gout…

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants( vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene), vitamins(B1, B2, B6, K, PP), mineral salts( calcium, iron, phosphor, potassium, iodine, copper) and dietary fibers.

Strawberries are good for your cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure, fight off impotence, help cure anemia, hepatic and biliary problems.


Strawberries help you strengthen your immunity because they have help your body kill bacterium more efficiently.

If you feel nervousness or suffer from insomnia you should eat a bowl of strawberries with honey and you will feel better.

Diabetics can eat strawberries because they help stabilize the blood sugar in the body.

Many cosmetic products contain in their composition strawberries because of their benefic effects on the skin. You can mix strawberries with yogurt and create for yourself a mask that will smooth oily skin and close your pores. If you have a dry skin just mash some strawberries and mix them with an egg yolk and on spoon of honey.

From the leafs of strawberries you can make a fabulous tea that has many health benefits, including those listed above and it is also a good diuretic and anti-diarrhea.

Find out more about The health benefits of different fruits.

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