The Best of The Best Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

March 4, 2011

Exercise & Fitness

People are created different. Just like picking out the right shoe, what might fit for one person may not be the perfect match for another. It’s just like exercise. What may work in slimming an individual may not work as effectively or as quickly for another.

With so many exercises to choose from, how can one find the most efficient way to lose weight fast? We’ve asked several fitness experts on the exercise routines they think are most effective for weight loss. For your convenience, we tallied ’em, and came up with 3 of the best exercises to shed off the extra pounds.


1. Walking

We’re pretty sure this didn’t come as a surprise. Walking is a great cardio exercise. It’s easy to do, and has a lot of benefits, from strenthening the bones to elevating the mood. Walking is also versatile, as it tones out your legs, stomach and hips. For maximum effect, walking uphill or sprinting causes even more calories to burn.

Calories burned: 300-400 calories/hr


2. Swimming

Like walking, swimming is also a very good form of cardio exercise. It boosts the immune system, maximizes lung capacity, and tones the entire body’s muscle spectrum.

Calories burned: 800 calories/hr

3. Hula Hoop

Hula hoops have been around since the 1950s, but it wasn’t until the 21st century that its true fitness value re-emerged. Today, hula Hooping has become one of the most popular forms of aerobic activity, and is in fact, one of the best ways to lose belly flab. Hula hooping works the belly, inner thighs,  back of the legs and the butt. It also strenthens the torso muscles and enhances the flexibility of the spinal column.

Calories burned: 800 calories/hr

The Runner-Ups

  • Jogging- Calories burned: 650/hr
  • Elliptical Machine- Calories burned: 600/hr
  • Step Aerobics- Calories burned: 800/hr
  • Bicycling- Calories burned: 500-1000/hr

The Skinny

These 3 exercises all have a cardio aspect and are guaranteed no-fail ways of achieving fast weight loss. In sharing these, it is important to note that as important as it is to work out, eating healthily must not be disregarded. With this in mind, you will surely achieve your weight loss goal. Start identifying the best exercise that would work for you. 



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