The 3 Day Diet for a Fast Detox and Quick Weight Loss

The 3 day diet is one of the so called miracle diets that has a special way of mixing food for creating a fat burning metabolic reaction. Since 1985 the 3 day diet promises fast detoxing, very quick weight loss, a lower cholesterol level and a surge in energy. Unfortunately just like in the case of many miracle diets there aren’t any scientific tests to backup the claims.

The 3 day diet got its name because you keep the diet for 3 days then you go back to your normal eating habits for 4-5 days and then you diet again for 3 days. With the help of the 3 day diet is is said that you can lose between 8 to 10 pounds in those 3 days.

The truth is that the most part of the weight lost during the 3 day diet is water weight which will be back on soon. It doesn’t burn the fats away that fast. The 3 day diet is based on avoiding foods rich in carbs. Carbs play a central role in water retention in your body. So by not eating carbs you get dehydrated which isn’t healthy.


The 3 day diet plan is very strict. You must obey it to get the desired results. The serving size must be exact. You aren’t allowed to eat more food even if you are hungry. The only good news is that you don’t have to work out to lose weight using this diet.

The 3 day diet plan

Day 1: the foods you eat during the first day give you less than 500 calories. They you’re your body go in hunger and start the process of slowing down your metabolism.
-for breakfast: coffee or tea with no sugar or other sweetener, half a grapefruit or one glass of fresh grapefruit juice and 1 slice of toast with one spoon of peanut butter;
-for lunch: 125 grams of tuna, 1 slice of toast, sugarless coffee or tea
-for supper: 85 grams of low fat meat or chicken meat, 250 grams of green beans, 250 grams of carrots, an apple and 250 grams of vanilla ice-cream.


Day 2: you get 500-600 calories form all the foods you eat.
-for breakfast: sugarless coffee or tea, 1 egg, half a banana and 1 slice of toast. Warning: cheese + eggs makes you pass lots of gasses so be careful where you go;
-for lunch: 250 grams of cottage cheese or tuna and 8 crackers;
-for supper: 2 hotdogs, 250 grams of broccoli or cabbage, 125 grams of carrots, half a banana and 125 grams of vanilla ice-cream.

Day 3:
-for breakfast: sugarless coffee or tea, 5 crackers, 28 grams of cheddar cheese and an apple;
-for lunch: sugarless coffee or tea, 1 boiled egg and a slice of toast;
-for supper: 250 grams of tuna, 250 grams of carrots, 250 grams of cauliflower, 250 grams of yellow melon and 125 grams of vanilla ice-cream

Besides eating all these foods you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. This will reduce the effects of dehydration.

These foods are supposed to create a special metabolic reaction that will speed up the burning of fats by your body. The diet only lasts 3 days at a time to prevent the slowing down of your metabolism. Under no circumstances should you follow the drastic diet for more than 3 days because you will destroy your metabolism which will make you even fatter in time. You also don’t have to fight the feeling of hunger for long periods of time.

I recommend you use this diet only under extreme urgency situations when you have to lose a couple of pounds for a special event. You should never ever follow this diet more than 2 times in a 6 months interval. In fact you should avoid following any fast weight loss diets for more than 2-3 times in a year. If you go on fast weight loss diets all the time you will slow down your metabolism and destroy your health.

The 3 day diet isn’t a healthy diet that helps you change your eating habits. By changing your eating habits you will lose weight and keep it off forever. It takes more time and effort but the results are far better. The 3 day diet is fabulous for detoxing and eliminating all the excess water and toxins from your body. If you want to detox your body you should follow the 3 day diet only for 3 days only. Just be careful not to overdo it.

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