Tag Archives: feel good food

Foods That Eat Up Your Energy Level

June 23, 2009


Believe it or not there are foods that lover your energy level if you eat them. If you want to be more energetic you just have to stay away from them. The symptoms of tiredness that you feel, especially when the seasons change, might have multiple causes: physiological related to the levels of hormones in […]

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What feel good food you can eat without gaining weight

May 18, 2009


If you have ever wondered what feel good food you can eat without it making you fat read on. On the first place is chocolate. I know you might be thinking chocolate is fattening and addictive. How can chocolate be recommended as a non-fattening feel good food? Well the truth is that nothing beats chocolate […]

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Serotonin and norepinephrine: the endorphins of happiness

May 18, 2009


Chocolate for most is an instant source of happiness. Some say that delicious foods keep your spirits high. The bad news is that all the foods that make you feel good are most likely also making you fat. The good news is that there are foods that also boost your morale and don’t get packed […]

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