Tag Archives: carbohydrates

How Important Is It To Have A Low Fat Diet?

October 6, 2010


We are surrounded by fat filled foods everywhere, and they taste mighty good. We love our little fatty treats, and many believe life would be without meaning if they were taken away. Unfortunately what you seldom want to hear is the fact that fatty food is super unhealthy. After all you love eating it, and […]

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About Blood Sugar Weight Loss

February 23, 2010


When we eat, our body converts carbohydrates into glucose, which circulates through the bloodstream; this is the most important energy source of the body. Blood sugar levels are called blood sugar and may affect both hunger, and the energy levels throughout the body, telling it to burn or to store fat. Your blood sugar affects […]

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Food Energy: why you must stop eating fatty foods to lose weight

October 5, 2009

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If you want to lose weight you have to avoid eating fats and to drink alcohol. But do you know why? Actually the explanation is pretty simple. Fats and alcohol contain a lot of calories, much more than carbs and proteins do. Have you ever asked yourself: how does food become energy for your body? […]

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The 1800 Calorie Diet Plan and Menu

August 23, 2009


By following the 1800 calorie diet you will lose weight easy and slowly. The best part of this diet is the fact that you can cheat form time to time and indulge your cravings. You can eat whatever you want as long as you don’t go overboard. In the 1800 calorie diet most of the […]

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Foods and Their Nutritional Value: the nutrition value food chart

August 11, 2009


It is said that to be in top shape you should eat 1-1.5 grams of proteins because they will stimulate your metabolism. You should also eat 40-50 grams of fats daily and 120-140 grams of carbohydrates. That way you will be full of energy all day long. Here is a chart of foods and their […]

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How to Get Rid Of Insomnia by Eating Healthy Food

July 7, 2009

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Sleepless nights can be a temporary annoyance or a permanent one. Insomnia can be caused by stressful situations or it can be the result of chronic stress. Other causes of insomnia are indigestion, asthma, hypoglycemia or it can be the side effect of using drugs or drinking too much alcohol. The symptoms of insomnia are […]

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Why Are We Eating More Food: overeating shocking study results

June 28, 2009


The scientists form Monash University Australia have discovered that as we age our hunger increases. We feel a bigger desire to eat more food as we grow old. That is why we eat more and more in time, leading to becoming overweight. Maybe this is why many 30-40++ year old persons are fatter than teenagers […]

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Foods That Eat Up Your Energy Level

June 23, 2009


Believe it or not there are foods that lover your energy level if you eat them. If you want to be more energetic you just have to stay away from them. The symptoms of tiredness that you feel, especially when the seasons change, might have multiple causes: physiological related to the levels of hormones in […]

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The Montignac Diet: use the Montignac method to lose weight

June 22, 2009


The Montignac diet has been scrutinized and studied on all its sides through the years. The biggest study made took 12 years to get completed and it was organized by professor Willett from Harvard University. The conclusion of the study revealed that the Montignac method of weight loss is valid and it works beautifully. Michel […]

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Basic Brain Nutrients: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats

June 13, 2009


The vitamin B complex is generally recognized as an essential brain bundle of vitamins. Vitamin B1 is directly linked to the way glucose gets metabolized in your body. Glucose is the number one source of energy for your brain. You can take your daily dose of vitamin B1 from whole grain cereals, vegetables, nuts, seeds, […]

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