Physical exercise keeps your heart young

March 11, 2009

Exercise & Fitness

Daily physical exercise, including every form of movement, helps us feel better, to relax, to get more energy, to be more cheerful and to oxygenate our blood.

You need physical resistance

Thru sport our physical resistance get’s increased. And we need it daily. Nobody likes to get fatigued after a couple of stairs or floors, after running to catch a bus or when cleaning the house. When we were little we could run all day and never get tired. Not age is responsible. The lack of physical workout is the culprit. The couch potato style of living that we so much enjoy.

Love your heart and protect it by exercising

Physical exercise helps us work our muscles and strengthen out bones and immunity system. Thru port we have the chance to workout other muscles that we usually don’t think about. The heart is the most important muscle of our body. And the heart need to get exercised too so that it doesn’t get damaged in the long run of keeping us alive by pumping our blood all the time. Warning: any muscle that doesn’t get exercised periodically looses it’s strength, including the heart muscle. A person that succeeds at working out regularly succeeds at sawing the heart millions of useless beats. And this just in one year. Just imagine how long can your life be extended by regular physical work out.

Physical exercise lowers the heart beat from 70-80 heart beats to 50-60 heart beats when we are not doing any physical soliciting activities. Sports helps us achieve a better oxygenation of the whole body. Thanks to then the oxygen reaches parts of the body that receive less oxygen. Working out is especially beneficial for obese people but also in the case of anemic persons. Physical workout has been proven beneficial to people affected by stress, constipation and asthenia.

Jogging in the morning is better

Even if you choose to walk, or walk at a more alert way instead of running you will still reap the beneficial effects. Walking or jogging is good to be done in the morning or in the evening if mornings are not available. Then the pollution levels are lower than during the rush hours. It is good to jog in parks or other places that have lots of plants and fewer cars. It is not indicated to run on the concrete because in time your bones will suffer more wear and tear. Also it is a good idea to go out and buy a pair of running shoes specially designed for running.


A daily minimum of 20 minutes of jogging

If only the word jogging makes you tired when you hear it think of it this way: it is just walking at a faster pace, then you get used to it and start to use a running pace. After you get used to the new rhythm, with the breathing, with the effort, you can run for real. If you are not an athletic person you can resort to a fast paced walk. But you need to feel that you are putting in effort, that you are working out. The specialists say that we need a minimum of 20 minutes of jogging a day.

Besides walking or jogging you can bicycle in the park or to work. When the weather is favorable you can play tennis, volley ball, football. Inside your home or at the gym you can gymnastic, tae bo, pilates, workout with weights or jump rope. If you can go to a pool and swim. It is the most easy and most fun way of keeping in shape and workout all your muscles.

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