Lightning Fast Weight Loss Diet: follow this plan to lose weight

August 3, 2009

Diets & Nutrition

Get yourself ready to lose some pounds fast. How? Simple, just by paying attention to what you eat, eliminating al unnecessary sweets, fatty foods and assuring yourself that your meals and snacks are complete, nutritionally speaking, so that your body won’t be deprived of any minerals or vitamins.

Just follow this easy plan I have prepared for you and you’ll lose all those unwanted pounds so that you can look slim, stunning, sexy. I have for you a simple flexible and well balanced diet you can use how much you want or find necessary.

This diet is made up of 3 easy steps:”on the run”, ”with the family” and “cheap and light”. You can choose to follow the same step throughout the day or combine them, whatever works for you. You can choose to have your breakfast “on the run” while heading for work, at lunch eat something “cheap and light” and come dinnertime enjoy it “with the family”. You can also choose to keep track of your calorie count while you follow this diet: breakfast 300-400 calories, lunch 450-550 calories and dinner 400-500 calories. And remember to add up all the calories derived from snacking.

Now let’s start shedding those surplus pounds


First of let me shed some light on the secrets of a successful diet:
-Be picky and choose carefully what you eat and drink. If you find it hard to remember you can choose to write it down in a notebook to help you keep track. Remember to write things like name, price, degree of sustenance and if you felt good or bad later on after you ate it.
-Reduce the number of fatty and fried food (yes, deep fried to) to at least half of what you usually eat. This means half of the morning butter or margarine, half or even less mayo on your occasional lunch sandwich and half the oil in your salad. You get the point.
-Sweets should be at least reduced to a maximum of 3 per week. If possible you should eliminate all sweets from your diet. If the need rises up and you feel like a junky deeply in need of a fix, don’t threat, you can enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate from time to time (low fat).
-remember to eat sufficient protein every meal: chicken, fish, vegetables, peanut butter, cheese, eggs, yogurt etc. (but with measure). Also eat fruits daily as a healthy way to gain energy and vitamins. If you can you should vary the types of fruits from day to day or at least from week to week.
-No more sodas. Actually no commercial drinks of any kind. When you’re thirsty drink flat bottled mineral water (you can choose to drink it with a slice of lemon). Also after each meal I recommend you drink a glass of lemonade (no sugar, just water and lemon juice).
-Try and eat more vegetables. I recommend including vegetables into all your meals. Also make sure you that your meals include meat at least once every 2 days. Eat slowly and consciously, take your time and chew properly. If possible always have company when you eat so you can enjoy a nice chat. Never eat in front of the T.V. Studies show that people always eat more when watching T.V

Ideas for breakfast
”On the run”
1.A banana, a hardboiled egg.
2.Mix one cup of yogurt or milk with fresh fruit. You can also blend them if you choose.
3.One egg sandwich and a muffin; instead of meat or cheese drink a cup of milk. This way you can shed 200 calories and 18 grams of fat.

”With the family”
1.One egg sandwich with cheese , one grapefruit and low fat milk.
2.One piece of toast, one piece of low fat cheese and a cup of milk.

”Cheap and light”
1.Low fat milk, cereal, one banana and one peanut butter sandwich.
2.Two pieces of toast with peanut butter, one apple and a cup low fat milk.
3. 1 or 2 egg omelet with vegetables, diet cheese and one grapefruit.

Ideas for lunch
”On the run”
1.One turkey sandwich (whole wheat bread, turkey meat, salad, tomatoes, mustard or low fat mayo), and a salad with little oil.
2.One small hamburger without cheese. Only buy one if it’s like the ones you grill, no commercial burgers. If not replace it with a freshly made sandwich (meat, salad and one olive) and a fresh salad with little oil in it.

”With the family”
1.One tuna sandwich, salad, an apple and a cup of milk.
2.Chicken soup, one peanut butter sandwich, a cup of milk.

”Cheap and light”
1.One whole grain bread sandwich and a carrot salad.
2.Two slices of pizza (homemade preferably but not out of the freezer), a low fat salad and a cup of diet milk.
3.Bean soup, one piece of whole grain bread with margarine, a vegetable salad one orange and a cup of milk.

Ideas for dinner
”On the run”
1.Chicken grill, salad and a cup of milk.
2.A chicken and bean salad with vegetables and diet yogurt.
3.Chicken grill, rice, bean salad, fresh squeeze fruit juice or a cup of milk.

”With the family”
1.Pasta, salad, a grapefruit and a cup of milk.
2.Grilled chicken breast, broccoli and fresh fruit.
3.Grill, mashed potatoes, fresh carrots and a yogurt mixed with fruits by you for desert.

”Cheap and light”
1.Rice with beans and onion and sauce.
2.Baked potatoes, cheese and vegetables, and apple and a cup of milk
3.A can of tuna fish in tomatoes sauce, with vegetables and a cup of milk.

Ideas for snacks
”On the run”
1.Raisens; fresh fruit; a small cup of yogurt; rice cakes (no more than 5); cereal; muesli.
”With the family”
1.One baked or microwaved apple; fresh fruit; on piece of whole grain bread with jam or peanut butter.
”Cheap and light”
1.Home made popcorn; a cup of yogurt mixed with fresh fruit; half of a peanut butter sandwich; milk with cereals.

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