Lady Gaga Diet and Exercise Tips

September 11, 2010

Celebrity Weight Loss

Lady Gaga loves to be outrageous. Her outfits are daring, her shows are dynamic. This combination forces Lady Gaga to maintain a healthy slender figure. Not something easy to pull off nowadays considering the huge amount of temptations.

In an interview for the Daily Telegraph, Lady Gaga said: “I’m on a very strict healthy pop star diet. I don’t eat bread, just vegetables and salad and fish. Eating like that is much better for me anyway but on Sundays I sometimes eat pasta.”


To help her stay in shape and on track to achieve her fitness track, Lady Gaga relies on her personal trainer Harley Pasternak. He even travels with Lady Gaga on her tours to make sure she sticks to his 5 factor diet plan. If you want to get some meal ideas similar to the meals Lady Gaga eats, you can buy Pasternak’s most recent book: The 5 Factor World. In it you will find 120 slimming recipes that you can use to help you get fit Lady Gaga style.

The whole 5 Factor Diet is about doing everything is bunches of 5. Here is how Pasternak described the book himself: “Five meals a day, five core ingredients, five-minute prep time and incorporates the best foods and nutritional habits from ten of the world’s healthiest countries.” Lady Gaga follows that 5 step plan too.

To keep herself fit, Lady Gaga exercises for 25 minutes 5 days a week. She does cardio and strength training exercises. When she is on a tour, Lady Gaga uses a HarleyBar. The HarleyBar exercise equipment was created by Pasternak, and it is a combination of barbell/dumbbell. This makes is a very useful and effective piece of exercise equipment that is multifunctional.

To get her fabulous six pack abs, Lady Gaga does lots and lots of ab crunches. Usually she cycles through many types of ab crunches, containing normal crunches, reverse crunches and double crunches.

25 minutes might not seem a lot of time spent exercising, but you have to take into consideration the following fact: Lady Gaga gets plenty of exercise practicing dance moves and dancing on the stage. All that dancing keeps her muscles lean and helps her burn lots and lots of calories.

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