Kate Hudson’s Diet and Exercise Routine to Lose Baby Weight

December 18, 2010

Celebrity Weight Loss

Blonde haired hottie Kate Hudson is newly pregnant, but she has this amazing body non-pregnant women would be envious of. Kate has always been naturally lean, thanks to her good genes (She is Goldie Hawn‘s daughter after all!) and healthy eating and exercise habits.

"I like being healthy, it makes me feel good about myself." Kate says. "And when you get that feeling, you just want to have that forever."

Kate-Hudson.jpgKate Hudson’s diet was developed by her personal trainer, Ashley Conrad, a 1500 calories per day eating plan. This was designed to limit Kate’s carboydrate consumption and increase her intake of lean proteins to make the best weight loss condition possible for the body.

Kate Hudson’s diet plan on a typical day would consist of:

  • 6-oz. organic chicken
  • 3/4 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups grilled vegetables
  • one Clutch supplement pack

Aside from changing her diet, she had to exercise more. This was no problem for Kate, a self-confessed gym rat. Kate Hudson’s exercise routine includes cardio exercises using the treadmill and running outdoors.

For her exercise routine, she had to work out under close supervision by personal trainer Garrett Warren, who incorporated core-strengthening exercises and Proper Body Exercises, a combination of Pilates, Yoga and core stability moves to Kate’s workout plan.

 “My biggest challenge was losing the 60 pounds I’d packed on when I was pregnant. I was a big, jolly pregnant lady, but then I devoted six hours a day to a rigorous workout regime. I would do 45 or 55 minutes of cardio and then an hour of Pilates or yoga three times a day.”

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