How to Lose Weight after Birth and Become Hot Again

February 22, 2010

Health & Motivation

Of course, during pregnancy you are not concerned about your figure – you know it is inevitable to gain weight even if you try to avoid foods that are high in fat. Now, nine months of waiting have ended and you come back from the hospital with a baby. After the first weeks of adjusting to the new mother status, the issue of the extra weight starts to worry you more and more. What can you do to lose weight after birth and regain your figure?

As you realize the size and importance of their maternal responsibilities you start to panic, telling yourself that you will not have the time to exercise. And as for a diet, it is out of the question. At least, not a drastic diet, your body needs vitamins and minerals during lactation. Your questions can find an answer…

One of the basic rules is hydration. In other words, water consumption must become a priority. This way, the body will burn calories more efficiently and the recovery process after delivery will be faster. Therefore, before each meal, drink a glass or two of water – you should drink eight glasses a daily. On another note, try not to eat anything after 7:30 in the evening because the metabolism is slower at night and it is very likely that those calories you accumulated at dinner will form adipose tissue.

Working out is the key to losing weight after birth

Be realistic: you did not gain extra pounds in a week, but over several months – therefore you can not expect to regain your figure in record time. To lose weight after birth will take a while and a considerable effort from your part. This goal will be fulfilled in time. The good news is that there are some exercises and strategies that you can apply, despite the crowded program that your child makes for you every day.

First, let us get one thing strait: you do not have to wait for the baby to fall asleep to be able to do your workout routine. For example, take the baby and walk through the park in the morning or in the evening. In the first weeks after birth, it is not recommended to make exercises that are too demanding – especially if you gave birth by caesarean. Walks are indicated, however, 20-30 minutes each day. Your metabolism will slowly "wake up" and blood circulation will improve. If you want a break and sit on a bench, you should slightly contract your abdominal muscles – but do not push it.

If you gave birth naturally, the body will recover faster – which means you can start doing exercises like squats and abdominal exercises. It would be advisable to work in short sets, five repetitions, – for example, sets your program depending on … changing the baby’s dippers. And, in the first weeks, you will have to change them even ten times a day, you can draw the conclusions.

But if episiotomy (often required for normal birth) prevents you to do abdominal exercises, you can use a compromise solution: lie on a flat surface and flex your abdominal muscles, breathing and exhaling deeply.

Remember your Kegel exercises. They consist of light contractions of the pelvic muscles that support the urethra, bladder, uterus and the rectum channel. They are not only beneficial in preparing the body for birth, but they are also useful in the recovery process. Flex your muscles as if you would want to stop from urinating, keep them like that for four to five seconds and then relax. Repeat ten times. Ideally, you should run three sets of ten exercises, three times a day – especially in the first six weeks after delivery.

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