How to avoid gaining weight because of stress

May 11, 2009

Health & Motivation

You mustn’t let stress rule your life. Life is hard. We live at an ever increasing pace that doesn’t seem to slow down in the near future. Exposing yourself to stress for long periods of time can lead to all kinds of diseases and problems for your body.

Try to find out the motives that are the sources of stress in your life. Resolve all these conflicts and problems with the help of psychologist if needed. Or go to the self help books for answers. Learn how to cope with stressful situations and how o maintain your psychic equilibrium. That way you will succeed to control you weight and have a much more healthy body.

While still working on your psychic and destroying the sources of stress you have to change your eating habits too. Start eating more whole food that will give more of the much needed nutrients. Drastic weight loss diets followed by a reverting to the old eating habits will only give a helping hand in screwing up your organism. So get healthy eating habits and keep them for life.


Regardless of how stressed or depressed you are you must workout and walk as much as you can. Stop watching television and start jogging. If you don’t have the time to go to the gym them make time for 30 minutes of physical exercise daily. Put some energizing music and move your body. You can even buy some a DVD workout program and follow the instructions. Physical activity activates your metabolism and helps you be happier. You will also be more confident in your powers as a result of working out.

A fabulous way to get in shape, lose weight and get rid of stress is dancing. I have went to dance classes and I must say that they are fabulous. You meet new people and you have lots of fun. Plus you will be the star on the dance floor in the clubs. Dancing is a great way to work out and get relaxed.

7 rules to get rid of stress and live life to the fullest:

  1. Have fun and live life with intensity
  2. Love people and be tolerant but don’t accept being humiliated and keep your dignity
  3. Do only what you like. If you aren’t compatible with the job you have go get your dream job
  4. Don’t accept mediocrity in yourself. Find out your unique talents and use them
  5. Eat healthy tasty food. Learn how to be your own nutritionist. You know yourself the best so you know what you need
  6. Never stop working out regardless of your age
  7. Don’t forget that it is never too late to make changes in your life. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
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