Different Types of Mineral Deficiencies

February 23, 2010

Diets & Nutrition

Like vitamins, mineral deficiency may occur either because of a lack of minerals in the diet or because of certain metabolic disorders.

Here are some of the most popular minerals deficiencies that you should avoid:

1.Iron mineral deficiency – Among minerals, the iron deficiency is the most common and it occurs mainly during periods of great need for the body: physical effort, growth, pregnancy, and lactation. Iron deficiency leads to characteristic disturbances, a fall in the amount of hemoglobin, anemia or metabolic disorders. In these cases, food must bring iron-rich foods: liver, kidney, heart, muscles, egg yolk, oysters, dried fruit, dried vegetables, nuts, and greens (spinach, nettles, kale, and parsley). The recommended daily intake of iron is 12 mg.

2. Calcium mineral deficiency – Calcium deficiency manifests through hypocalcaemia, which leads to skeletal decalcification and neuromuscular system disorders. In this respect, you should have a diet that is rich in foods that are rich in usable calcium but that also contain other nutritional factors with a role in osteogenesis: phosphorus, vitamin D, proteins. Calcium is found in large amounts in cheeses, fresh milk, skimmed milk, yogurt, dried fruit, nuts, cabbage, cauliflower, oranges, parsley, etc… The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1 g.

3. Phosphorus mineral deficiency – Phosphorus is a dynamic nutritional factor that has an importat role in the carbohydrate and fat metabolism (it enters the composition of the central and peripheral nervous system). Deficiency of this mineral can cause nerve, muscle and bone disorders, but a diet rich in phosphorus can improve these disorders. Phosphorus-rich foods are: egg yolks, fish, meat, eggs, cheese, and also dried vegetables, nuts, whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits. The recommended daily intake of phosphorus is 1.5 g.

4. Iodine mineral deficiency – iodine is the nutritional factor necessary for the function of general metabolism and for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine in food facilitates hypothyroidism phenomena sometimes accompanied by a goiter. Iodine is found in very small amounts in common foods, but fish, oysters, shrimp, and seaweed are rich in iodine. Keep in mind that organic iodine in food is lost during cooking. There are a number of plants with an antithyroidian or goiter action: mustard, peas, beans and soy. The recommended daily intake of iron is 150 to 200 IU
So, you have to pay special attention to minerals and a balanced diet because a healthy diet is practically the most important treatment. It helps maintain or restore a nutritional balance and it has a permanent action compared to other treatments that only have a temporary and transitional action.

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