Archive | January, 2010

Common Gym Injuries and Other Workout Injuries You Should Avoid

January 27, 2010


Whether you like to go to the gym, play volleyball, to run or even enjoy the occasional practically innocent golf, you risk being injured by making a wrong move or by slipping on a banana peel. Find out which are the most common accidents that can happen while exercising: Muscle Soreness Muscle soreness occurs after […]

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The Thighs and Buttocks Workout

January 27, 2010


Of course, you keep your daily diet to be as low in fat as possible and you have purchased a series of specific cellulite removal creams. But all of these measures would remain incomplete if you would not follow a rigorous program of exercises. We suggest three exercises, which I recommend you repeat for six […]

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Sex and Food: what to eat for a better sex life

January 27, 2010


Nutrition plays a vital role in terms of a healthy sexual life. The basic nutritional ingredients necessary for a healthy sexual life include a huge variety of fruits and vegetables, protein and complex carbohydrates. There are certain categories of foods that adversely affect sexual functions: fried foods and fatty sauces, sugar and excess salt, saturated […]

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Child Obesity: how to help your overweight kids get fit

January 27, 2010


Obesity is a problem that children face increasingly more often. Lately, in addition to the parents educational efforts to teach them how to eat healthy and take exercise regularly, children began to be treated for obesity as adults. These treatments include drugs that control weight but also gastric type bypass surgery. Like adults, children are […]

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Fitness Questions: 7 frequently asked questions about working out

January 26, 2010

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After you decide to start working out you suddenly find yourself having a couple questions that you never thought of before. I offer this guide, with which you will be able to get a concrete idea about your workout I want to tone a certain muscle groups. What exercises should I do to remove fat […]

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11 Relaxation Tips To Help You Enjoy Life More

January 26, 2010


  Use bath foam! Give yourself a bubble bath, it’s perfect for relaxation. Climb into the tub; relax your body without any precipitated motions, try to ignore your problems and enjoy every moment spent in the bath tub. It’s the best remedy against stress and fatigue. Breathe deeply! Good breathing relaxes the central nervous system […]

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15 Jogging Tips for Beginners

January 26, 2010


1. Welcome to the starting line The starting line is the place to start jogging. From the beginning set 2 clear objectives: maximize results and minimize accidents. 2. Buy the right shoes Because they’re the most expensive item in your wardrobe, spend your money smart by buying special jogging shoes from a well-known company, which […]

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Jogging Clothes: What to wear while jogging

January 26, 2010


Here is a basic jogging outfit that will help you get the most out of your jogging. Having the right jogging clothes has an significant impact on your jogging performance. Socks- some synthetic materials are better than cotton. Most joggers prefer light, ankle high socks. Jogging socks are the cheapest article in your wardrobe, but […]

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The Food Combining Diet Made Easy: healthy food combinations

January 26, 2010


Our main though should be how healthy is the food or foods we eat. The nutritional theory is that the bad absorption of food leads to tissue degeneration so food combining is the key to a perfect metabolism. It’s not enough just to give the body the necessary elements, it’s more important that they’re used […]

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How to breathe while jogging

January 26, 2010


While jogging you may run out of breath, this is normal while jogging well while exercising because your body meets your new oxygen need by pumping oxygenated blood into your muscle, also your lungs work harder to intake oxygen from the air so you gasp. Most joggers breathe in a 2/2 rhythm but while jogging […]

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